Monday, May 21, 2007

New Blog on the Block

A bunch of us guys from PT now practicaly every week would be out cycling, for now, closer to home. We started out arounf BSP and BBM, a week later to Nilai 3 then UKM. UKM has been our favourite. Once in a while we would go out to Jenderam and Sg Merab. The farthest that we have gone was 50 km. Our target fro next month would be PD.


Anonymous said...

Syabas..syabas bro 'Bond pt kayuh d' Kapitan'. We started with 4; Bond, Mazri d' pt kayuh specialist, ZulHizam d' pt kayuh mechanical consultant and Me. Now we have Fariza, Azrul, Rosliazam, Abg Chik, MadIbraya, Zaidi n Ritaudeen. Once, Taib, Rizad and ZulHizam's friend (from Acasia) were also with us.

Anonymous said...

aisey..diya is my son, Mohd Diyauddin bin Mohd Juzaiddin. :)